Event details
- Sunday | February 27, 2022
- 6:00 pm
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89526552631?pwd=dGlOREptYlpkall5bnlZZW8zT0pUQT09 Meeting ID: 895 2655 2631 Passcode: LM1FBI
Hardcopies of the quarterlies and the Reflecting God Devotional; as well as the weekly Standard are available in the church office for pick-up from Pastor Debbie. Contact in advance for curbside delivery, home delivery or for pick-up on Sunday morning. It was such a blessing to “see” our class members or at least hear their voices of those connecting by phone! In case you missed the email or have not been in attendance in our SS class here is the info INCLUDING the instant web link: NEW CURRUCULUM FOR SEPTEMBER IS AVAILABLE…Check with Pastor Deb on Sunday or give her a call….
LM1 COTN is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Adult Sunday School Class (F.B.I.)
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 895 2655 2631
Passcode: LM1FBI
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Meeting ID: 895 2655 2631
Passcode: 528887
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